(K12) CTSI Mentored Research Career Development Program Award in Clinical & Translational Science


The Mentored Research Career Development Program Award in Clinical and Translational Science (K12) prepares and provides protected time to scholars for an intensive mentored research career development experience that leads to full research independence and leadership positions in clinical and translational science.

This infographic shows how translational science is improving the process to get more treatments to more patients more quickly.

Translation is the process of turning observations in the laboratory, clinic and community into interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public – from diagnostics and therapeutics to medical procedures and behavioral changes. Translational Science (TS) is the field of investigation focused on understanding the scientific and operational principles underlying each step of the translational process. For detailed information on the Translational Science (TS) spectrum, visit the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) TS Spectrum and additional NCATS TS resources.

This infographic shows how translational science is improving the process to get more treatments to more patients more quickly.

At the end of the research career development experience, the scholars should be well positioned with the knowledge, skills, and ability to advance diagnostics, therapeutics, clinical interventions, and behavioral modifications that improve health.

The Miami Clinical Translational Science Institute (CTSI) is sponsoring up to four (4) Mentored Translational Science Scholars Program Awards (K12) for the fiscal years FY2024-2025.

Please refer to the K12 RFA for complete details and requirements.

Program Benefits

The program provides:

  • an individualized research and career development plan;
  • educational programs suited to the mentee, including enrollment in and completion of an advanced degree in clinical research, should it be needed;
  • experiential training with established faculty researchers as mentors;
  • mentorship and support;
  • supportive resources that include access to CTSI experts in epidemiology, research design, regulatory support, ethics, community engagement, and biostatistics;
  • modest funds to cover research costs and/or expenses associated with tuition, training opportunities, and travel support for preceptorship in expert labs or to attend relevant scientific meetings up to the maximum thresholds stipulated for applicable expenses.

Scholar Support

Support will include yearly

  • 75% salary support up to the NIH Salary Cap
  • $20,000 for research expenses. Awardees will be required to devote 75% of their time to research (protected time) or no less than 50% if from surgical disciplines.

Two years (total) of funding, contingent on the availability of funding/scholar slots and proposal review.

  • The K12 award will provide support for a scientifically meritorious research project in any health-related discipline, including, but not limited to medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, nursing, epidemiology, behavioral sciences, psychology, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and other disciplines.
  • The proposed project must be translational in nature: pre-clinical research, clinical research, clinical implementation, or public health. Refer to the description of the NCATS Translational Science Spectrum. To ascertain that the proposed research meet the criteria of Translational Science, please contact K12 program administrator.
  • The proposed research project must address community and/or health disparities: for the LOI submission, applicants are required to describe how their project will advance patient/community/population health and address health disparity/equity.
  • As per NCATS guidelines, the Miami CTSI will not support clinical trial activity beyond the end of Phase II.
  • Only one proposal per person may be submitted.

All eligibility criteria must be met at the time of appoinment.

Candidates for Miami CTSI K12 awards must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen, a non-citizen national, or a legal permanent resident of the U.S.
  • Have a research or health-professional doctoral degree or its equivalent.
  • Meet the NIH Early-Stage Investigator (ESI) criteria: ESI is a Program Director/Principal Investigator who has completed their terminal research degree or end of post-graduate clinical training, whichever is later, within the past 10 years and who has not previously competed successfully as a PD/PI for a substantial NIH independent research award.
    • If you are unsure whether you qualify as an ESI, learn about ESI eligibility here. You will be able to download and/or take a screen shot of your ESI end date and status, as calculated by the NIH system.
    • NIH considers requests for extensions of ESI eligibility from researchers who have lapses in their research or research training or have experienced periods of less than full-time effort. Learn more here. (Video available)
  • Have a full-time UM faculty appointment. JHS or VA investigators are eligible if their primary mentor is a UM faculty.

Voluntary faculty, Adjunct faculty, Lecturers, Residents, post-doctoral and clinical fellows are not eligible.

  • Commit a minimum of 75% time to research and research training over the award period (50% if from surgical disciplines). The remainder of time may be spent in clinical or teaching pursuits and/or research-related activities consistent with the objectives of the awar Candidates must obtain the primary department commitment for 75% (or 50%) research protected time and necessary resources (department letter of support required at submission).
  • Demonstrate a commitment to a career in clinical translational science.
  • Mentoring requirements:
    • Candidates are strongly encouraged to have a mentor already identified at the time of the LOI submission (May 22, 2023). If a mentor(s) is not identified, the K12 program directors will assist the candidates to select appropriate mentors aligned with the proposed research and career goals.
    • At least one mentor on the mentoring team should have a clinical background.
    • Mentors should hold faculty positions, be supported by NIH or other competitively awarded grants, and be acknowledged experts in clinical and translational science.
    • Applicants are encouraged to reach out to the program directors for advice on the selection of their mentoring team.
  • Must commit to apply for individual mentored K awards (e.g., K07, K08, K22, K23) and/or independent awards (e.g., R01, R03, R15, R21, R34, or equivalent applications from other federal agencies) during the K12 award period; if successful, scholars may be required to reduce or terminate their effort depending on program requirements.
  • Awardees will be selected based on their anticipated ability to complete the entire two-year (24 month) proposed program. The selection committee will consider whether individuals who have pending NIH research grant applications with fundable scores that would require early K12 termination are appropriate for this award.
  • Candidates for the K12 awards are strongly encouraged to participate fully or partially in the Master of Science in Clinical Translational Investigation (MSCTI). Tuition remission for MSCTI courses will follow UM policy on Graduate Tuition Remission Taxation.

The following are not eligible for the K12 award:

  • Individuals who are not U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or a legal permanent resident of the U.S.
  • Individuals on temporary or student visas.
  • Voluntary faculty, Adjunct faculty, Residents, post-doctoral and clinical fellows.
  • Individuals who have received funding as a Principal Investigator (PI) on any individual-mentored career development award (e.g., K07, K08, K22, K23).
  • Individuals who have previously received funding as PI or MPI on any major federal, VA, state, or foundation award: for example, research projects (R01), First Award (R29), sub-projects of a program project (P01), center grants (P50), or equivalents.

Deadlines & Award Timeline

Request for Applications (RFA) Issued May 1, 2023
Information Session May 8 @ 5 PM
Letter of Intent due May 24, 2023
Full Application (by invite only) due July 12, 2023
Notification of Award August 28, 2023
Award Period Begins September 2023

How to Apply

Review the following for complete details and requirements

Applying is a two-step process: (1) a required Letter of Intent (LOI) and (2) a Full Application (by invitation only). Both are submitted online.

Additional Templates

Requirement for Awardees

The Miami CTSI receives funding from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  Awarded pilot projects involving human subjects and/or live vertebrate animals must receive approval from NCATS prior to starting research (drawing down funds) and can only be obtained with valid IRB/IACUC/required regulatory approval documentation. NCATS Prior Approval typically takes a minimum of 30 days and awardees will work with the CTSI team to ensure prior approval requirements are met and documentation submitted.


Patricia Avissar, M.S.
Director, Research Support
Miami CTSI
Email: [email protected]